Monday, August 14, 2006

Deaf Jedi Archives Update & Holocron Book Club

Hey folks, let's talk books. At last count, the cataloguing of my library has reached 241 books. All of these books were purchased during my time at Southern (August 1999-May 2006). The vast majority of these were bought in the campus bookstore or were purchased off-campus as I found them or was hunting for reading, study, and research materials. I have decided not to share the total current value of the books (many are still in "new" condition) because I don't want any of you still in school (especially those of you just starting out) to despair of the cost you could incur over the next four or five years. Again, I remind you that I still have books sitting at home in Tennessee, and I am not counting any works of fiction other than Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress. So the actual total (and value) will increase as I get to the end. Some of you may remember that I have challenged myself to read through my library over the next year instead of buying new books. This is intended to save money for me and Tricia as we seek to establish our finances as a married couple. I have only had one or two slips since May, and the second of those slips was a planned one, to purchase the abridged version of Martin Luther's commentary on Romans to assist in preparing to preach through Romans beginning this fall. Now for the Book Club. Today I got an email from Christian Book Distributors (CBD) announcing their 10th anniversary sale. Here's a few things I'm drooling over. Kenneth Wuest's Word Studies in the Greek New Testament, 4 Volumes. On sale for $24.99. The Early Church Fathers, 38 volumes, $199.99. List price is $1100!!!! Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, 10 volumes, $99.99. When I was in college these were the gold standard for Greek research papers. Arthur W. Pink's Exposition on the Gospel of John, $18.99. After reading The Sovereignty of God, I'm convinced one can do no wrong in reading Pink. They also have Calvin's Commentaries (all 22 volumes) for $99, but Tricia already gave me those as a birthday/graduation gift. Dang, we should have waited. Also, I have just finished one of the unfinished books I've been working on: Whatever Happened to the Gospel of Grace? by James Montgomery Boice. Look for a review in the next couple of days. And that wraps up the dual update. Enjoy your week, folks!


Blogger The Archer of the Forest said...

I highly recommend the 38 volume Early Church Fathers of the best additions to my library I have ever bought.

8/14/2006 04:42:00 PM  

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