Somebody Finally Gets It Right...
Drs. Albert Mohler and Paige Patterson, SBC seminary presidents both, have just made my day. Reading this report of what initially was characterized as "Clash of the Theologians" nearly a year ago has warmed my pre-marital heart and set it aflame with fresh fire. They discussed their differences over the system of Calvinism the way true Christian brethren are supposed to. Somebody finally gets it right. It's days like this that make me glad to be a theology hooligan.
In other news, Mr. Frank Page has been elected president of the SBC. You may recall that I supported this guy (see this post), despite his obvious theological flaws. It's difficult to withhold support from someone who seems to genuinely want to work with those brethren with whom he disagrees theologically.
On the blogging front, I've been lax. I fully intended to have the doctrines of grace finished this week; instead it has taken a back burner due to the massive wedding preparations I have been doing. Is it really only 4 days left? I may try to get at least irresistible grace done, but I'm not making promises this time.
I am currently in the process of getting moved out of Fuller Hall on campus and into our apartment. Pray for this time, as I absolutely despise moving. But this move is for a better blessing than I could ever hope for!
With that, I take my leave to go finish my laundry and pack up a few more boxes. May God richly bless you!
I appreciate that you value dr. page b/c he wants to work and cooperate w/ others.
I think this essential in this day and age of SBC life.
To cooperate but not to stop from seeking biblical knowledge and following through with it.
--RC of
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