Friday, February 03, 2006

Friday Follies: The Flamboyant Al Mohler

I got a real good laugh out of this one. Marc Driscoll, in his post about Dr. Mohler being on Larry King Live to talk about Brokeback Mountain, has this to say about Dr. Mohler: "The flamboyantly heterosexual Baptist theologian, Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr...." That's right folks, Dr. Mohler is a flamboyant hetero. I can see it now...*drifts off into Weird-O-Cron™ land*
Parson Mohler, satisfied with his fried chicken and okra, leans back from the table, pops open the button of his britches, and lets out a loud and appreciative belch. He looks across the table to his lovely wife and remarks, "That was a dang fine supper you got there, darlin'. Won't ya go bring me a Nestea while I go sit in that thar recliner and watch Luther?"
We've got flamin' homos, now we've got flambo heteros. I have to go and exorcise the demons now. I'm too weirded out by this.


Blogger Jason said...

I only see one problem. Nestea is the worst tea ever. Hopefully, Mrs. Mohler knows better than to serve that to her husband. Luzianne and JFG make much better sweet tea, but it has to be brewed. No prebottled sweet tea is good sweet tea.

2/03/2006 03:59:00 PM  
Blogger Stephen Newell said...

Amen and hallelujah. But it was either that or beer, and we all know that one won't fly. *wink*

2/03/2006 05:14:00 PM  

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