Random Pre-Slumber Thoughts, Part Deux
Scary: The Homosexual Agenda by the boys at Fide-O. This is a checklist of what's already happened. And it's from homosexuals' own literature. Unfortunately, no one wants to believe me when they try to debate me (and others) on this issue. They simply ignore the evidence and continue to attack me (and others) as bigoted and intolerant.
Intriguing: Dune Returns. I really need to get caught up on the Dune prequels before this one comes out.
Jaw-Dropping: 32 Luke Commentaries in Scott Lamb's library is impressive. It also makes me realize I've got a long way to go in building my own library.
Funny: Contrary to what Chris Rock may claim, Robitussin doesn't cure cancer, much less anything else. here is the relevant link.
Thrifty: Dave Ramsey. This man is the Gospel of Personal Finance. I've yet to read anyone as understandable and sensible as him. Visit his website. Buy his books. Even better, get yourself (and your wife, husband, boyfriend or girlfriend; as well as any children you have old enough to grasp or learn about finances) signed up for a Financial Peace University class as soon as possible. Live the Dave way and find yourself glorifying God with your money.
Bible Verse of the Day: Psalm 33:10-12 -- "The LORD brings the counsel of the nations to nothing; he frustrates the plans of the peoples. The counsel of the LORD stands forever,the plans of his heart to all generations. Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people whom he has chosen as his heritage!"
Hey, thanks for the link. Hope to see you around Fide-O, and we hope things are well at SBTS!
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