Here's the results of a survey I took before work today.
You scored as Anselm. Anselm is the outstanding theologian of the medieval period.He sees man's primary problem as having failed to render unto God what we owe him, so God becomes man in Christ and gives God what he is due. You should read 'Cur Deus Homo?'
Anselm | | 93% | John Calvin | | 80% | Jonathan Edwards | | 73% | Friedrich Schleiermacher | | 67% | Karl Barth | | 60% | Martin Luther | | 53% | Charles Finney | | 53% | Augustine | | 27% | Paul Tillich | | 20% | Jurgen Moltmann | | 13% |
Which theologian are you?
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Isn't that funny?
It's interesting that I got 80% on John Calvin. I guess being a 4-pointer does that to ya.
EDIT: The picture of Anselm that came with the quiz results messed up the page, so I tweaked it this way. Hopefully this works better. Those of you who are more knowledgeable about HTML may have better results.
I scored Anslem also. Karl Barth right under that! YEAH!
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