Return of the Deaf Jedi!
Louisville, KY (HoloNet)
--Bless me, Weblog, for I have sinned. It has been three months since my last post.
That's right--it's been three long, grueling months since February, my last missive on this here Silent Holocron. Much has happened since then. I've been delayed yet again in my graduation, burnout had begun to rear its ugly head again, I started getting paid regular, I got hired at UPS, I resigned from Deaf Cafe, I've become an armchair Dave Ramsey expert pending taking Financial Peace University (aka FPU) this summer, stirred up more trouble among liberals on the net, upset a few Anglicans (Episcopalians, actually), and wrote a paper. Okay, I've got about 3 or 4 more papers to write by next Tuesday (doable cause one is a final and two are at least a page each). Feel like I have been smacked down by a power bomb or something cause my body has been catching up on the rest it has been sorely denied these past three months!
Anyhow, I return just in time to post a shameless plug for two major, major Louisville-area events this month. Okay, one of 'em is worldwide, but what the hey. On May 19, 2005, Star Wars Episode III - Revenge of the Sith arrives at a theater near you! I've been told that advance screenings left grown men bawling like babies! I plan to take an industrial size box of tissues to my first screening of this watershed moment in Star Wars history!
Second, on May 17, Southeast Christian Church will host Financial Peace University! I have tried as hard as I could in the past two years to schedule this 13-week course but failed miserably each time. Now, finally, I have all the time in the world, thanks to my timely exit from Deaf Cafe. My plan is simple--take the class, learn everything, teach my church. I have already begun to budget--anyone who says FPU is for those who make $20,000 or more a year is full of you know what (and you know who you are out there)! Anyway, I have already begun to budget and based solely on my associate pastor salary I can have a full $1000 emergency fund by October, sooner if I didn't have summer events to budget. Once UPS starts kicking in not only will I be able to save massively, but I will be able to start saving for a payoff on my student loans, which--according to my planning--can be paid off in as little as 2 years. Dang, I love this financial planning stuff. Especially the part where you get to save for retirement--if you're smart you can pay as little as $200 a month every year til you're 65 and have a million bucks in a mutual fund earning 12%! I've started educating myself on mutual funds, which means I've jumped the gun a little bit, but I've always been a sucker for knowledge.
Well, it's good to be back, and let's hope the Dark Side of the Blog doesn't sneak up on me again and push me off the map for a while!
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