Thursday, January 13, 2005

More Proof that Lawyers Suck

Well, folks, it's time for Dumb Move of the Day. A lawyer has thrown two guys in jail for making lawyer jokes. The story is here: I don't know about you, but this is hilarious. Talk about dumb. Seems like this lawyer dude was bullied in elementary school or something. Must have been, if he wants to abuse his abilities by throwing a couple of hecklers in jail. This is too funny to believe. I guess the lawyer in this story went "Twisted Sister" and decided he wasn't gonna take it anymore! I think this deserves a little 80's vignette. (Dons Dee Snyder faux-drag queen outfit, fires up the Fender, and puts some hard rock wail through the amp) Oh, we're not gonna take it No, we ain't gonna take it We're not gonna take it anymore!


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