Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Dumb Criminal of the Week

This one takes the cake folks. Check this out: http://www.rhea.xtn.net/index.php?template=news.view.subscriber&table=news&newsid=119030. Pay special attention to the part where the police say the miscreant stated he "came to give the guy a whipping but wouldn't make a statement without a lawyer." I got one thing to say to that: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I cannot stress the hilarity of this! This guy actually TOLD the cops he was there to effect a beatdown, but he wouldn't admit to it without a lawyer present! "I'm TELLIN' you I came out here to give that sorry son a good butt-whoopin', but I ain't signin' nothin' that proves it before I talk to my lawyer first!" That's like buying the leash but forgetting to get the dog too. Obviously this guy's elevator doesn't reach the top.


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